Color library
The color library is a dialog window used to manage colors for 3D objects.
It consists of a toolbar for managing the color palette, a list of existing colors and an area for selecting and setting a color.
The color palette is loaded from the system file colors.lua (see also chapter Lua/Module Settings) and is stored independently of the current project. Changing the color palette therefore affects both future and existing projects.
Changes in the color palette are saved immediately. For this reason, when opening the dialog window, you will be asked whether a backup of the current color palette should be created in the settings directory of VxCraft.
The following functions are available for managing the color palette:
Import colors
Opens the file manager to select a color file and imports the colors from it.
You will be asked whether the colors should be added to the existing palette or whether the palette should be emptied beforehand.
Export colors
Opens the file manager to select a destination file and exports the current color palette.
Add color
Adds a new color to the palette.
Delete color
Removes the selected color from the palette.
Rename color
Renames the selected color.
Move color up
Moves the selected color up in the list.
Move color down
Moves the selected color down in the list.